Monday, January 4, 2010

turning a new page in 2010

So another new year and of course another set of new year’s resolutions. Well this year I’m taking it seriously.

I resolve to read every book in my apartment!

Why? Because I have a lot of books in my apartment…and I keep buying more.

Some have been read, some have never been touched and some (ok most) have been started but never finished. And that’s why I’m doing this.

My new year’s resolution is to cleanse myself of this habit I have of not finishing things, of becoming distracted and moving onto something else before I have achieved anything. I do it with everything from hobbies to sports to jobs. I waste so much money on clothes that sit in my cupboard, art supplies that sit in my shed, food that goes off before I eat it, and books books books everywhere.

But in 2010 I will take the first step towards stopping this! How? By committing to read every book in my apartment before I turn 30 – that’s December this year. And I’ve banned myself from buying any books until I reach this goal.

In my apartment I have close to 200 books (I’m in the middle of a stock take at the moment!) and I have to admit, on new year’s eve I had a bit of a panic at the prospect of not buying any more books for a year…and I hit Book Depository in a big way…so there will be some additions to the collection arriving within the next 72 hours.

So stay posted! …and I would love to hear of any reading challenges you are organising or are involved in that you think I might be able to incorporate into my own challenge.

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